Wellness Canada Accreditation - Workshop Accreditation
Accredit Your 1-2 Day Workshops
Offering short, impactful wellness workshops? Our Workshop Accreditation helps you get recognized for your quality and build trust with your participants. It's a straightforward process, and we have a few different options depending on how many workshops you want to accredit.
Single Workshop Accreditation: $199
3-Workshop Accreditation Package: $507 ($169 per workshop - Save 15%)
5-Workshop Accreditation Package: $745 ($149 per workshop - Save 25%)
Each Accreditation Includes:
Comprehensive review of your workshop materials
Official Accreditation Certificate (one certificate per accredited workshop)
Personal/Business Accreditation Certificate (one certificate per member - valid for all accredited workshops)
Official Letter of Compliance (one per member - valid for all accredited workshops)
Listing in the Wellness Canada Accreditation Directory
Free promotion of your accredited workshops in our Facebook group (8k+ members and growing)
Use of Post-Nominals
Dedicated Customer Support
Ready to take your workshops to the next level?