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What Does Hypnosis Feel Like?

Wellness Canada

Updated: Aug 15, 2024

What Does Hypnosis Feel Like?

When you think of hypnosis, you might picture someone swinging a pocket watch, a person with a far-away look in their eyes, or even someone clucking like a chicken.

But what does hypnosis actually feel like?

The truth is, there’s no singular, universal experience that everyone shares. Hypnosis is a deeply personal process, and what you feel can vary from one session to the next, even within the same person. That said, there are some common sensations and experiences that people often report.

A man being Hypnotized

The Variety of Hypnotic Sensations

Relaxation: Many people enter hypnosis expecting to feel relaxed, and it’s a common experience. While relaxation isn’t necessary to be hypnotized, it often happens naturally. You might feel a profound sense of calmness and peace, as if all the stress in your body is melting away. Some describe this as a deep, soothing relaxation that they’ve never quite felt before.

Heaviness & Lightness: During hypnosis, you might notice a heaviness in your limbs, as if they’re anchored down and too heavy to move. Others report the opposite—a sensation of floating or being weightless, almost like they’re buoyant in water.

Warmth & Coolness: As you sink deeper into hypnosis, you may feel a comforting warmth spreading through your body, almost like being wrapped in a cozy blanket. On the other hand, some people experience a refreshing coolness, particularly in their hands or feet, as if a gentle breeze is passing over them.

Tingling & Numbness: A gentle tingling in the fingers or toes is another common experience. It’s a bit like the feeling you get when your foot falls asleep, but much more subtle and pleasant. For others, certain parts of the body might feel numb or lack physical sensation altogether, which can be surprising but is entirely normal.

Detached Awareness & Mind Wandering: In hypnosis, your mind might start to feel detached from your body. You could find yourself observing your thoughts or surroundings without much emotional involvement, almost like you’re watching a movie. Alternatively, your thoughts might drift freely, wandering from one idea to the next without any particular direction.

Timelessness: Time often feels different in hypnosis. You might lose track of time, feeling as though minutes or hours have passed unnoticed. It’s not uncommon to be surprised when the session ends, as it can feel like no time has passed at all.

A woman being Hypnotized

Physical Sensations & Changes

Catalepsy: This is when the muscles go into a neutral state where there’s no movement. You might feel like you can’t move your body, as if it’s frozen in place. However, in reality, you could move anytime you want; it’s just that your mind is so focused on the hypnotic experience that you don’t.

Fluttering Eyelids: Some people experience a fluttering of their eyelids, similar to what happens during REM sleep. This can be a sign that your brain is shifting into a state of greater theta waves, which is associated with deep relaxation and creativity.

Increased Lacrimation: Your eyes might become more watery than usual, and you could even feel a tear spill over and run down your face. This is just your body’s natural response and nothing to be concerned about.

Changes in Circulation: Hypnosis can also cause changes in blood flow. Some people find that their hands and feet get cold as blood is drawn toward the core of the body. Others experience the opposite, feeling hot as blood flows to the surface of the skin.

A man being Hypnotized

Emotional and Mental Experiences

Euphoria & Peacefulness: Hypnosis can bring about a mild to intense feeling of happiness or contentment. Many people describe a deep, inner sense of tranquility and calm that stays with them even after the session ends.

Focused Attention & Mental Clarity: You might find yourself intensely focused on a single thought or image, with everything else fading into the background. This can lead to a heightened sense of mental clarity and even a surge of positive energy.

Memory Recall & Self-Reflection: Some people are able to access memories with remarkable clarity during hypnosis, while others engage in deep introspection, reflecting on their thoughts, feelings, and past experiences.

Spiritual Awareness & Emotional Release: For some, hypnosis can heighten spiritual awareness, leading to a stronger sense of connection to a higher power or the universe. It can also trigger emotional release, allowing you to let go of pent-up emotions, sometimes accompanied by tears or laughter.

A man being Hypnotized

Unusual or Unexpected Sensations

Visual Distortions & Sensory Overlap: You might experience visual distortions, such as colors appearing brighter or things looking blurry. Some people even report sensory overlap, like hearing colors or seeing sounds.

Sinking & Expansion: There’s often a sensation of sinking into the chair or bed, as if you’re merging with it. Conversely, some people feel like their body is expanding or growing larger, almost as if they’re taking up more space.

Echoing Thoughts & Heightened Intuition: Thoughts or words might seem to echo or repeat in your mind. You might also experience heightened intuition, with stronger gut feelings or a deeper sense of knowing.

Body Awareness & Rhythmic Motion: You could become acutely aware of specific body parts or internal sensations, or you might feel a sensation of swaying or gently rocking, even though you’re completely still.

A woman being Hypnotized

Heightened Awareness During Hypnosis

One common misconception about hypnosis is that you’re completely disconnected from your surroundings. In reality, many people find that they are actually more aware of their environment and their own thoughts during hypnosis. Here’s what you might notice:

Increased Sensory Awareness: While you’re deeply relaxed, your senses might become more acute. You could hear the faintest sounds in the background or notice subtle changes in your environment that you might not typically pick up on. This heightened sensory awareness allows you to stay in tune with your surroundings while still focusing on the hypnotic process.

Greater Alertness: Contrary to the idea of being in a trance-like state where you're unresponsive, many people report feeling more alert and present during hypnosis. Your mind can become sharper, with a heightened ability to concentrate on specific thoughts or feelings. This increased alertness can help you engage more deeply with the hypnotic suggestions and achieve the desired outcomes.

Enhanced Self-Awareness: Hypnosis often brings a greater sense of self-awareness. You might find yourself more attuned to your own thoughts and feelings, which can make it easier to explore your inner world. This heightened self-awareness can also aid in understanding and processing emotions or memories that come up during the session.

Balanced Focus: While your focus might be narrowed on specific aspects of the hypnosis, you’re still aware of everything happening around you. This balanced focus allows you to absorb and process information effectively, creating a productive and insightful hypnotic experience.

A woman being Hypnotized

Returning to Normal Awareness

As the hypnosis session comes to an end, you’ll gradually or suddenly return to normal consciousness. Many people describe this as a feeling of renewal, as if they’ve just woken up from a restful nap. You might feel a strong connection to the ground, a sense of being rooted and stable, or simply a quietness within your mind, free from distracting thoughts.

A woman being Hypnotized

Your Unique Experience

It’s important to remember that hypnosis is a deeply personal experience, and the sensations you feel may differ based on your unique response to the process. Some people feel many of these sensations, while others might only notice a few. There’s no right or wrong way to experience hypnosis—whatever you feel is exactly what’s right for you at that moment.

When you approach hypnosis with a positive expectation, you’ll almost always find that expectation met, leading to a lovely and beneficial experience. So, whether you feel a sense of deep relaxation, heightened emotions, or something else entirely, your hypnotic journey is yours to explore and enjoy.

Now that you know what hypnosis feels like If you are interested in learning more or speaking with a trained professional to see if this is a good choice for you, visit Wellness Canada to schedule a free consultation.



  • What is Hypnosis?
    Hypnosis is a state where you are deeply focused and more open to suggestions, similar to being fully absorbed in a book or movie. During hypnosis, you remain aware and in control, allowing your mind to be more receptive to positive changes. It helps access the subconscious mind to make lasting improvements in thoughts and behaviors. Hypnosis can aid in stress relief, overcoming fears, breaking bad habits, and enhancing overall well-being.
  • How Does Hypnosis Work?
    Hypnosis works by guiding you into a state of deep relaxation and focus. During this state, your conscious mind takes a backseat, allowing your subconscious mind to become more receptive to positive suggestions. A Hypnotist will use techniques like calming words, mental imagery, and deep breathing to help you enter this focused state. Once in hypnosis, suggestions aimed at changing unwanted behaviors or thoughts can take root more easily, helping you achieve your goals. This process is safe, and natural, and you remain aware and in control throughout.
  • What Does It Feel Like to Be Hypnotized?
    Being hypnotized feels different for everyone, but most describe it as a state of deep relaxation and heightened focus. You might feel like you're in a daydream, where you're deeply absorbed and aware but also very calm. Some people experience a sense of lightness or heaviness, tingling sensations, or a feeling of floating. The experience is generally very pleasant and soothing, allowing you to feel at ease. Despite common misconceptions, you are not unconscious or asleep during hypnosis. You remain aware of your surroundings and in control of your actions. You can hear the hypnotist's voice clearly and respond to suggestions. The state of hypnosis simply makes your mind more open to positive changes and suggestions, helping you achieve your goals more effectively.
  • Can I be Hypnotized?
    Most people can be hypnotized to some extent. Some people may be more susceptible to hypnosis than others, but virtually anyone can experience some level of hypnosis. Factors that may affect a person's susceptibility to hypnosis include their level of relaxation, their level of motivation, their ability to focus and concentrate, and their openness to suggestion. People who are naturally suggestible, imaginative, and able to relax and concentrate may be more susceptible to hypnosis.
  • Can My Mind Be Too Strong to Be Hypnotized?
    No, having a strong mind does not prevent you from being hypnotized. Hypnosis is about cooperation and willingness to follow the hypnotist's guidance. If you are open to the process and want to be hypnotized, you can achieve a hypnotic state. Even those who are analytical or skeptical can benefit from hypnosis as long as they are willing to relax and participate in the session.
  • Will I Remember What Happens During Hypnosis?
    Whether or not a person remembers everything that happens during hypnosis can vary depending on the individual and the specific techniques used. Some people may remember everything that happens during hypnosis, while others may only remember certain aspects. In general, a person will typically be able to remember at least some of what happened during the session. However, the extent to which a person remembers the session can depend on a number of factors, including the person's level of relaxation, their level of suggestibility, and the specific techniques used by the hypnotist. It is also possible for a person to have a "gaps" in their memory during hypnosis, where they cannot remember certain events or details. This is normal and does not necessarily mean that anything "wrong" happened during the session. If you are considering hypnosis and have concerns about your memory during the session, it is important to discuss this with your hypnotist before starting treatment. They can help address your concerns and explain how hypnosis may affect your memory.
  • Will I Tell Any Personal Secrets While in Hypnosis?
    During Hypnosis, a person will always remain in control of their thoughts, feelings, and actions during hypnosis, and they can choose to follow or reject any suggestions made by the hypnotist. The hypnotist cannot force the person to disclose sensitive or personal information against their will. If you have concerns about disclosing personal information, it is important to discuss this with your hypnotist before starting treatment. They will respect your privacy and confidentiality, and will not ask you any questions prompting you to disclose anything that you are not comfortable sharing.
  • Will I Do Anything Against My Will During Hypnosis?
    Hypnosis is not a form of mind control, and a person cannot be hypnotized to do something against their will. While in a hypnotic state, a person remains in control of their thoughts, feelings, and actions, and can choose to follow or reject any suggestions made by the hypnotist. During hypnosis, the hypnotist may make suggestions to the person in order to help them make positive changes in their lives, but the person remains free to accept or reject these suggestions. A hypnotist cannot force anyone to do anything they do not want to do. It is important to remember that hypnosis is a collaborative process, and the success of hypnosis depends on the willingness and participation of the person being hypnotized.
  • Can I Get Stuck in Hypnosis?
    No, it is not possible to get stuck in hypnosis. Hypnosis is a natural state of consciousness that a person can enter and exit freely, and a person can come out of hypnosis at any time they choose. During hypnosis, a person remains in control of their thoughts, feelings, and actions, and they can choose to follow or reject any suggestions made by the hypnotist. A hypnotist cannot force the person to stay in hypnosis against their will.
  • Is Hypnosis the Same as Sleep?
    Hypnosis is not the same as sleep. While hypnosis is often associated with relaxation and altered states of consciousness, it is not the same as sleep. During hypnosis, a person is typically in a state of relaxation and heightened suggestibility, but they are still aware of their surroundings and can still hear and respond to the hypnotist. In contrast, during sleep, a person is typically unconscious and unaware of their surroundings. There are different levels of hypnosis, and some people may experience a deeper level of hypnosis that is more similar to sleep. However, even in these cases, the person is still not fully asleep and can still hear and respond to the hypnotist if needed. It is important to remember that hypnosis is a natural and safe state of consciousness that can be used for therapeutic purposes, and it is not the same as sleep.
  • Is Hypnosis Safe?
    Yes, hypnosis is safe. Hypnosis is a natural state of mind that people experience daily, like becoming absorbed in a book or movie. During hypnosis, you remain in control and aware of what is happening around you. There are no harmful side effects, and you can end the session at any time if you feel uncomfortable. Fun Fact: Every 15 minutes of Hypnosis equals two hours of deep REM sleep.
  • Will the Hypnotist Have to Touch Me?
    No, the hypnotist does not have to touch you during hypnosis. Hypnosis is typically done through verbal communication, and the hypnotist can guide you into hypnosis using verbal cues and instructions. While some stage hypnotists may use physical touch as part of their hypnosis process, it is not necessary for the hypnotist to touch you in order to induce hypnosis. In fact, hypnosis can be done remotely, such as over the phone or online, without any physical contact. It is important to remember that hypnosis is a collaborative process, and the success of hypnosis depends on the willingness and participation of the person being hypnotized. If you are considering hypnosis and have concerns about physical touch, it is important to discuss this with your hypnotist before starting treatment.
  • What Issues Can Hypnosis Help With?
    Hypnosis can help with a wide range of issues by accessing the subconscious mind to promote positive changes. Common areas where hypnosis is effective include smoking cessation, weight management, and stress reduction. It can also help improve sleep, manage chronic pain, and enhance focus and concentration. Additionally, hypnosis can address fears and phobias, boost confidence and self-esteem, and support emotional healing from past traumas. People also use hypnosis to enhance performance in sports, academics, and professional settings. Whether you want to break a bad habit or improve your overall well-being, hypnosis offers a versatile and effective approach.
  • How Many Sessions Will I Need?
    The number of hypnosis sessions needed varies widely depending on the individual and the issue being addressed. Some people may see significant improvements after just one or two sessions, especially for specific problems like Smoking Cessation or stress relief. More complex issues, such as chronic pain or deep-seated habits, may require a series of sessions to achieve lasting results. Your hypnotist will work with you to create a personalized plan based on your progress and feedback. Regular follow-up sessions can help reinforce positive changes and ensure you are on track to reach your goals. It's a highly individualized process, and the number of sessions will be tailored to your specific needs.
  • How Long Does a Hypnosis Session Last?
    A typical hypnosis session lasts around 90 minutes. The length can vary depending on the individual's needs and the specific goals of the session. Initial sessions may take longer as they include a discussion of your history and objectives, while follow-up sessions might be shorter. During the session, time is spent guiding you into a relaxed state, providing therapeutic suggestions, and then gently bringing you back to full awareness. The hypnotist ensures there is ample time for you to feel comfortable and for the process to be effective. Each session is tailored to your unique needs, making the duration flexible.
  • What Should I Expect During a Hypnosis Session?
    During a hypnosis session, you can expect a calm and supportive environment. The session typically starts with a brief discussion about your goals and any concerns you might have. This helps the hypnotist tailor the session to your specific needs. You will then be guided into a relaxed state using techniques such as deep breathing and visualization. Once in a hypnotic state, the hypnotist will use carefully crafted suggestions and imagery to address your issues. The session ends with a gentle return to full awareness, leaving you feeling refreshed and relaxed. The entire process is collaborative, with the hypnotist ensuring you are comfortable and in control throughout.
  • Does Hypnosis Work Online?
    Yes, hypnosis can be effective online. Virtual hypnosis sessions have become increasingly popular and can be just as effective as in-person sessions. Through video conferencing platforms, you can connect with your hypnotist from the comfort of your own home, making it convenient and accessible. During an online session, the hypnotist guides you through the same process as they would in person. You'll need a quiet, comfortable space where you won't be disturbed, a reliable internet connection, and a device with a camera and microphone. The hypnotist helps you relax and enter a hypnotic state, providing the same personalized suggestions and techniques to address your specific needs.
  • How Can I Book an Appointment
    Booking an appointment with us is easy and can be done entirely online. Simply visit our website and navigate to the "Book Now" section. There, you'll find a user-friendly booking form where you can choose the service you need, select a date and time that works for you, and provide any additional information to help us prepare for your session. Our online booking system is designed to be convenient and efficient, ensuring you can schedule your session at any time. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact us through our website's contact form, and we'll be happy to help. We look forward to assisting you with our hypnosis services.

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